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Medford Soccer Club

The Official Medford Soccer Club of Medford, NJ

Match Reports, Goal Setting, and Player Evals

Please see below coaching tools that are being implemented by MSC. Ryan Franks has put together a comprehensive program to assist in providing an atmosphere of development and growth for the players within MSC. This process engages our coaches, our players, and our trainers. Please take the time to review and implement as soon as possible starting with Fall Season 2020.

1. Match Reports
 - This will now fall under the responsibility of our parent coaches.  After every game, we are asking that parent coaches complete the form linked below.  A copy will be automatically emailed to the email address you provide and we ask that you forward that email to your trainer.  This tool should serve as a jump start for conversations between parent coaches and trainers to coordinate and communicate what is happening during the week at practices and what is happening during the weekend in games. 

Click Here to Access Match Report 

2. Player Goal Setting - This will now fall under the responsibility of our players.  At the beginning of each season (spring and fall), we will ask players to set goals for themselves and their teams by completing the attached form.  Please set a deadline when these are to be completed by and then ask the players to bring them to practice as a homework assignment for that day.  During that practice, one coach/trainer can meet with each player individually to discuss what they wrote while the other coach/trainer runs practice.  At the end of practice, teams (coaches and trainers included) should plan to meet in the Bende Clubhouse to review the team's goals for the season based off of input from the players on their forms.  Everyone should agree to the team goals for that season before leaving the clubhouse that night.  We encourage you to stress that especially abstract goals can include character development issues (i.e. I want to work as hard as I can every practice; we as a team want to focus more during training, I want to grow as a leader among my peers, etc.).  This should be an opportunity to not only discuss soccer with our players but the valuable life lessons that soccer can also help us to lear  

Please See Attached Form to Download Player Goal Setting Form  msc goal setting.doc

3. Player Evaluations -  This will now fall under the responsibility of our trainers to fill out although we are encouraging coordination between trainers and parent coaches when completing these forms.  After completing each player's evaluation a copy of your response will be emailed to the email address you provide so that you can print it out for the player/s.  Please be reminded that although we want to be honest with our players, we want the tone of the evaluation to be in the spirit of constructive criticism to allow the players the ability to grow in different areas of their development.  After all evaluations are complete and trainers/coaches are in agreement on the evaluation, trainers can hand out the evaluations to the players for review.  If necessary, we should encourage our PLAYERS to meet with the coaches to ask questions about their evaluations (not Mom and Dad).  This is a chance for our players to grow as self-advocates and learn to communicate positively and proactively with their coaches.  The form will also be linked out on our MSC website for easy reference.    

Click Here to Access Player Evaluation Form

We hope that all of these new policies will help to connect and improve communication between players, coaches, and trainers in a more positive, professional manner moving forward which should result in more growth and development for our players both in soccer and their character as people.  With that being said, this won't be possible without the extra effort by all of the members of our club working together with our young players to help their development.  We truly appreciate all of time everyone dedicates to working with our club.  Thank you for your commitment to helping all of our players by implementing these new programs!

Contact Us

Medford Soccer Club

291 Medford Mt Holly Rd 
Medford, New Jersey 08055

Email: [email protected]

Medford Soccer Club

291 Medford Mt Holly Rd 
Medford, New Jersey 08055

Email: [email protected]
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