Medford Soccer Club 2024-25 Travel Year Tryouts (April 15-18 – Rain Date 19th)
Bob Bende Park - Medford, NJ
Registration is open for our 2024-25 soccer year travel tryouts set for April 15-18 with a rain date of the 19th. If you would like to register for tryouts please visit and either log-in or create an account to register. Any questions email [email protected].
- Boys Tryouts – M/W 5-8PM – (5-6:15PM 2017-2014 / 6:30-7:45PM 2013-2010)
- Girls Tryouts – T/TH 5-8PM – (5-6:15PM 2017-2014 / 6:30-7:45PM 2013-2010)
- 2009 & older tryouts (date/time) will be determined based on registration results.
Eligible Birth Years
U8 = 2017
U9 = 2016
U10 = 2015
U11 = 2014
U12 = 2013
U13 = 2012
U14 = 2011
U15 = 2010
U16 = 2009
U17 = 2008
U18/19 = 2007/2006